Amy Martinez

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I had an abortion

1999 United States (born in United States)

Again I felt all sorts of things but just checked off the ones that were there at the time.

It was rough, at first, and I had an unexpected person by my side, my father. He took me and back and even got us a hotel room, wow the details are now coming to my mind, like it happend yesterday.

All these feeling are now coming back to me. I was 20 at the time. The obvious reasons to have one was the simple fact that I felt too young to take care of a child. I wanted to continue my education and I wasn't ready to have one.

Did the illegality of your abortion affect your feelings?

My abortion waslegal and it was done in the state of California

How did other people react to your abortion?

Well 1st of all I just found this site and I'm glad I found it. After all these years I can finally express myself the way I want to with out being judged like I was back then.


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