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it was not long ago when i missed my period and went to buy a pregnet tester only to find out that i was pregnet,i went crazy not knowing what to do i have heard of things like drinking orocrash concentrated orange juice,jik or boiled water from newspapers were the thinks that i was thinking of doing to have an abotion,i did not have the monery to pay for doctors who do it,because i live in a country were abortion is illegal.i later went on the net and found out about the women on waves organisation and all the information most especially the save medical abotion. i was so happy that one could do it that way.so i had to do all i had to do in my power to get the pills.this is my 6thday since i had the medical abotion and so far i am bleeding but normally so i will see after two weeks.

i had to do an abotion because i have a 10 month old baby my boyfriend the father of my son does not know about his because iam sure he had not agreet upon an abotion.and me and him we are also not on good terms we could seperate at any time.i have dreams too to go to university and study and have a diploma or degree,have a house of my own and support myself idependendly. i am working and i have financial problems at the moment and i could not have another child now.

my only best friend know this and she have been so supportive of me.i do not regret my decision because i am sure that i have done the right thing.other people can talk because they dont know what is going on in other peoples lives, so i did it for the future of myself and of my son.i dont regret at all i am infact happy thanks to you i was able to do it with no regrets. as the other women have said that they are not sorry the same goes here.I AM NOT SORRY.


Sin remordimientos



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