I felt it was accapted to have an abortion
Very good and safe,with a small entourage taking care of me
My society doesnt accept single moms
Did the illegality of your abortion affect your feelings?
Yes a lot. Countries shouldnt criminalise women for this. Its a mistake , yes but we can always correct it
How did other people react to your abortion?
Only few knew and they were understanding
Feeling like myself again
This is how it went for me
No me arrepiento de lo que hice. Abortar suena demasiado frío , asi que mejor…
La experiencia que me cambio.
aku aborsi karena aku tidak ingin mengecewakan banyak orang. pasangan saya sama…
Moje życie to moje wybory. / My life is my choices.
Já é difícil criar 2 filhos, não conseguiria lidar com um terceiro..
At the young age of 17, I was the victim of sexual assault. There is nothing…
I discovered I was pregnant. It was about 5 weeks and 4 days old. I did an…
I had an abortion about seven years ago when I was 16. I was in an abusive…
Estava grávida de 08 semanas e não sabia!
Mi hijo se transformó en una estrella.
Ahora veo a los demás de otra manera.