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I had an abortion

2008 Brazil (born in Brazil)

I found out I was pregnant, and it was not like i didn't take care of myself. Actually the condom tear out and the emergency pill didn't work. Murphy's law all the way. Then I found WoW, and ordered the medicine

I had an abortion..W słońcu ludzie wyglądają tak, jakby zasługiwali na to, aby…


I forgot my birth control for a couple days on a trip, and it was enough to…


Yo aborte. No fue una decisión fácil. No entraré en detalles del porqué tome la…


Cuando tenia 19 años, "me enamore" de un tipo casado, quede embarazada y el lo…


I just had my 3rd son 4 months prior finding out I was pregnant. I got a…

Won’t be named Won’t be named

I had an abortion a week after my twenty second birthday, I was five and a half…


My now husband and I got pregnant the first time we slept together. We were…

Cristina Lima

Fiz um aborto.


Tome la decisión ya que anteriormente (a los 15 años) ya había tenido un…


I had an abortion


La historia, tal cual, detrás mi aborto

Cumbe Nelia

Fiz dois abortos com 20 anos...uma em janeiro nao usamos o preservativo mas ele…


At the age of 15 I was told that I would likely never be able to get pregnant…


Yo aborte

Renata k

Fiz um aborto, foi uma escolha. Apesar do medo, foi muito tranquilo e não me…


Kiedy zobaczyłam dwie kreski na teście ciążowym przeraziłam się. Mam już dwójkę…


Po kilku pozytywnych testach ciążowych wypełniłam formularz i zamówiłam…