
Share your story

I had an abortion in which the place where i live illegalized the procedure. As i was saying there’s not a lot of options us women for choosing what we wanted for our body. I was on my 5th weeks of pregnancy when i knew i was pregnant. Looking on the ultrasound it was only a sac with nothing on it. Me and my partner knew we wanted an abortion. It was hard to look for a credible sources to get a hand on the pills. Then we came across WOW and found out theres an NGO that would help women with situation like me. So we reached out the NGO and finally got a hand on the pills. It went really smoothly and im happy for my decision


Did the illegality of your abortion affect your feelings?

A lot

How did other people react to your abortion?

Very supportive

Paola XD

Yo aborté en Chile, donde es ilegal. Tengo 29 años. Lo hice con medicamentos, a…

Patricia Bronstein

I was married and had known since an early age that I did not want to be a…


Czekałam na leki około dwóch tygodni. Przyszły pocztą dobrze…


I had an abortion and never talked about it with anyone

Liz Roldan

Porque mi situación económica era bulnerable y tenia otro hijo de 5 años al…


Pomimo zastosowanej antykoncepcji, zaszłam w ciążę. Brałam tabletki.

Matka Winna

Moja historia

I had an abortion..W słońcu ludzie wyglądają tak, jakby zasługiwali na to, aby…


La decisión de abortar no es nada fácil, en realidad por mi mente deabundan…


Mam 44 lata i dwójkę dzieci. Moje dzieci są już w szkole podstawowej. Bardzo…


I had an abortion, Yo aborte, Apoyo la libertad de elegir sin tabues. Si bien…

Cumbe Nelia

Fiz dois abortos com 20 anos...uma em janeiro nao usamos o preservativo mas ele…


No me sentía lista


I had was not a hard decision, and I'm glad I did it. Now, I'm a…


I had abortion TWICE!!