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I had an abortion when I was 15 years old. After my abortion, I went to college, served in AmeriCorps, worked with at-risk teens, traveled the globe, and left the country to work with youth abroad. My life has been so full and so beautiful, and I am fortunate to have been able to make all of my choices, to have followed every one of my dreams. I did not allow myself to be trapped by an unwanted pregnancy before I was even old enough to take care of myself, and that choice was the foundation for all of the rest.


grateful, fortunate, committed

I had a twilight procedure at the Bread & Roses Woman's Health Center in Clearwater, Florida. Everyone was kind to me, from the waiting room to the recovery room. The procedure itself was painless, and a nurse held my hand through everything.

I was fifteen years old. I didn't want to be a mother while I was still a child.

How did other people react to your abortion?

My family was disappointed that I was pregnant, but they supported my abortion. My boyfriend's family did as well. I think they were all a bit relieved. Teen parenting is hard on young mothers and new grandparents alike.


Myślałam, że będzie gorzej, na szczęście cały czas była ze mną moja druga…


The first time I was too young the next I was old enough to know I had no right…


I had a Medical Abortion - Painful Experience, Life Changing


10 years ago, at age 32, I had an abortion. The pregnancy was unplanned and I…


Dicen que interrumpí una vida, yo siento que lo que hice fue continuar con la…


I don't regret it. It was one of the wisest decisions I ever made in my life. I'…


Calma, eu sei seu desespero. VAI DAR TUDO CERTO! #FORÇA

Lindsay Millett

I had an abortion


w wieku 20 lat. Byłam za młoda, mam wielkie plany na przyszłość, nie chciałam…


Mam 20 lat. Zaszłam w nieplanowaną ciążę. Niestety mieszkam w kraju, w którym…



W 20. tygodniu zakończyłam ciążę bez bólu, pod narkozą, w…


Hola chicas. Bueno yo quedé embarazada a los 17 años. Recién empezaba mi…


Don’t confuse ‘what ifs’ with regret.

Emmy Smith

It was the best decision of my life


I had an abortion

YoungWoman from India

This website gave me the confidence that I could do it. It gave me all the…


I was extremely lucky to find a safe place for my abortion.

anjali sidhu

I had an abortion