I had an abortion
(born in Canada)
How did other people react to your abortion?
My friends and family were all very supportive of my decision.
aborte hace 3 semanas y tenia un embarazo de 3 semanas nose aun si fue la…
J'ai avorté suite à ma grossesse arrêtée à 8 semaines
“I had an abortion” will appear automatically, but please feel free to change…
Yo aborté y es la mejor decisión que pude haber tomado.
mifepristona + misoprostol
I had an abortion-it was a difficult decision...
I had an abortion when I was 15 years old. After my abortion, I went to college
Yo interrumpí un embarazo no deseado.
I had an abortion in a country where I could get killed if I had sex before…
I had an abortion and never talked about it with anyone
Yo aborte. No culpo por haberlo hecho, sino por no haberme cuidado. Desde el…
At the age of 15 I was told that I would likely never be able to get pregnant…
Eu tinha 22 anos, minha menstruação atrasou e meus seios estavam muito inchados.
Decyzja o aborcji była najcięższą do tej pory..
I had an abortion a week after my twenty second birthday, I was five and a half…
Zawsze miałam bolesne miesiączki, wiec spodziewałam się, ze będzie naprawdę…