Teresa Lanza

Share your story

(born in Bolivia)

Cuando enfrente un embarazo inoportuno, tuve que abortar. Despues planifique mis embarazos y fui feliz...soy feliz!!!
Estoy segura que el aborto en cualquier parte del mundo es un derecho basico de las mujeres...

wiolaa k

wielka ulgaa


I had an abortion and I'm not ashamed

tania isabel

I support abortion. Solamente las personas que han pasado por esta situacion…

lizbeth aparicio

I had an abortion yo quiero abortar porq no siempre se tiene calculadas las…

Sylvie Shene

A Life-Saving Experience


j´ai avorté.

wiki Kosik

Korzystaj z życia..Na dziecko, przyjdzie odpowiedni czas..


Myślałam, że będzie gorzej, na szczęście cały czas była ze mną moja druga…


2 miesiące po aborcji. Moje życie wróciło do normy. Jest dobrze..


I had an abortion-it was a difficult decision...


Tanks a lot for your help . it was wonderful . you send me the drug in time…


I cry. Going into the decision I was strong and certain that I wanted to have…

Regina Powell

I had an abortion and I'm about to have another.


I had an abortion at 15...and my life is still going well

Angy :)

I decided to have an abortion, it wasnt easy but it was the best decision


Fiz um aborto - E foi a melhor decisão que eu podia ter tomado para a minha…


Miałam aborcję.