Lisal M. C

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It was a big decided that I made in my life. I had a complexity relationship with a man. He was married with other and he never said to me about his status. We just having sex with him once. But I am pregnan. I told to him and he said can not give a responsibility to be married me and also be a father too. Because he was married with other woman. And also I think, if will marry, we must ready too. So then, i took decided to had an abortion n also stop the complexity relationship with him. I had an abortion when my gestation at 7 week

2015 Indonesia

I was think it, more than twice. Ifelt confidence to do it. Because I think it was right decided. For me n my family, that man and his family, our career and also our future.

I just took 4 pil misoprostol 250 ug. After 30 minute took the pil, i felt diare, fever, n also start bleeding. It had same reaction with menstruation. View of minute, blood clots came. I stop to continue took the pil. I check at the doctor. But fetus still at the place...view of day i took the last medicine with 4 misoprostol pil ( 2 at mouth and 2 at vagina) at night before slept. View of hour, start of bleeding again and also bloot clots came. I found some little big blood clots that I washed it not broken out like other (little massive). I did check up again at the doctor and the doctor said it was gone, but need to clear up uterus with curettege. But I didn't. I chose to continue the treatment with traditional medicine. I was bleeding 1 month. After that I check at the doctor again, it was clear. Next month, I had menstruation again. So then, don't scare to do it, if you think, you need it to manage your life again for your better future. But before you do it. Think with your logic think what is the impact for all.

Did the illegality of your abortion affect your feelings?

What that I did illegal. But I think it was right decided to my future.

How did other people react to your abortion?

My close friend supporting me. But my boyfriend not. But I didn't care about people's. Because it is my life. If I made decided to continue my pregnancy, it will be come more impact to my life and also my close people's.


Aborto a las 4 semanas, perdóname mi ángel.


Yo aborte , con oxapros en Buenos Aires tengo 24 años

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Tome mi decisión y estoy mejor haciendo lo que quiero y siento!!

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the only time i look back is to say thank god


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