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I had an abortion and I do not regret my choice. It is very important to me to remove the stigma

2001 Canadá (nascido em Canada)

I could have clicked just about every box here. I felt such a range of emotion around my choice. I so badly regret getting into the situation, not the abortion itself. I felt guilty, I felt sad, I felt shame but above all else I felt relief, I felt sure of my decision, I felt so thankful that it was MY choice

I was couch surfing at the time. I was 19, had no education or any realistic prospects of decent income. I was not in a relationship with the would-be father. I just knew it was the clear choice for me

A ilegalidade de seu aborto afetou seus sentimentos?

no, I would have made the same choice. It just would have been much less safe

Como as outras pessoas reagiram ao seu aborto?

I was lucky enough to have support from all who knew me and what was going on

Dana Bronte

Muerte de un ángel.

F. B

Vivi 2 meses em um pesadelo

Вика а

I had an abortion я сделала аборт и не жалею. это бил правильный выбор. Я…


Myślałam, że będzie gorzej, na szczęście cały czas była ze mną moja druga…


j´ai avorté.


Postanowiłam się podzielić swoją historią, ponieważ gdy szukałam informacji na…


The first time I was too young the next I was old enough to know I had no right…

Adriana Reyes

Hola mi nombre es Adriana tengo 22 años y soy estudiante de Pedagogía; quisiera…


I had an abortion at 15...and my life is still going well


Najtragiczniejsze doświadczenie w życiu...

Po prawie dziesięciu miesiącach od…


I had a Medical Abortion - Painful Experience, Life Changing


Por siempre y para siempre en mi mente.


I can now carry on with life.

wiki Kosik

Korzystaj z życia..Na dziecko, przyjdzie odpowiedni czas..

Estrella Triste Estrella

"Yo me salve"
Todo comenzó el 06 de junio cuando en un baño moribundo y…


No me sentía lista