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I have had two abortions

2007 Ireland (nascido em Ireland)

Two different experiences make the list of emotions confusing - My first abortion was one i had to travel for and lie for and could not share with people at home so the emotions were primarily negative yet i was sure it was the right decision. My second abortion took place at home with the help of womenonweb and was a far more positive experience. Thank you.

I found the foreign clinic quite frightening. The medical abortion at home was by far more comfortable

My first abortion was in 1997 the second ten years later. I am a single mother and have not the resources for children when pregnancies occurred.

A ilegalidade de seu aborto afetou seus sentimentos?

Not this time as there were no lies to tell and could take place in the comfort of my home. I found a previous abortion for which i had to travel far more traumatic.

Como as outras pessoas reagiram ao seu aborto?

I had support of friends

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I had 2 abortions


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