Tlhogi Tshegofaso

Compartilhe a sua história

I did it when I was 4 weeks. Its was tremendously painful and horrific. The only emotions I had that morning b4 and afterI taking those pills, were REGRET. Regret that I let a boy cum inside me. Having unprotected sex without knowing his status. Im trully grateful for not being Hiv positive( #NoStisetheir) eternally grateful to my creator my Heavenly father. Thank you for not forsaking me...4 weeks afterwards I did a urinary preg test at the clinic the results read neg, but my belly is still big so I'm a bit sceptical about whether it was successful or not. .and I have no one to talk to about my feelings. I wish and pray that its successful because I don't want a baby now or anytime soon.

2019 África do Sul

I'm afraid that it didn't work so yeah , that's all I'm scared of

Painful,horrific, terrifying, hurtful, exusting and embarrassing ASF

A ilegalidade de seu aborto afetou seus sentimentos?

Mine was legal. And I'm not pretty sure if it worked or what. So I'm still scared if it didn't... scared and i feel alone.i don t regret doing it, I would do it again

Como as outras pessoas reagiram ao seu aborto?

Nobody knows except my ex buff, she was supportive at the least to my face she was but you'll never really know what's inside a person...


Fiz um aborto de aproximadamente 4 semanas e tomei o cytotec que o amigo da…

Monika Bery

24.01.2020 godzina 11.51
Tej daty nie i godziny nie zapomnę do końca swych dni.


Something that has carried with me ever since.


I had a SUPER LATE abortion.


I made the best decision for me


Not in this alone


I had to get an abortion after my Skyla IUD was placed improperly or slipped. I…


Mi experiencia


Bueno yo aborte por que no encontré otra salida...
A principios de diciembre del…


I had an abortion when I was 15 years old. After my abortion, I went to college

Vivi Lili

La vdd no creo que sea malo soy una mujer casada y tengo un precioso hijo pero…


I had an abortion and I don't regret it. It was a hard decision but one I knew…


El Misotrol salvó mi vida


The first time I was too young the next I was old enough to know I had no right…


Tomé una desición

Ewa Izabela

I am pro-choice


Mój chłopak mieszka w innym kraju. Na miesiąc przed wyjazdem do niego zaczęłam…