
Compartilhe a sua história

I had an abortion and I'm so pleased that I had that option. I was only 18 (sounds like a song!), in my first sexual relationship, and it was never going to be anything but destructive. So, I made my choice and have never regretted it. I now have a beautiful husband and gorgeous twins.

1989 Austrália (nascido em Australia)

There was never any doubt in my mind that an abortion was the right way to go. My doctor was very supportive and my sister transported me 600kms to the closest legal clinic. I think I was very lucky to have such support.

All went well. No dramas.

I was only 18, my partner was 17. We were just having fun. He drank a lot. I had no plans to settle down with a family...then or ever, really. I had battled depression and suicidal thoughts, and didnt want to be responsible for another life.

A ilegalidade de seu aborto afetou seus sentimentos?

I had to travel to another state where it was legal.

Como as outras pessoas reagiram ao seu aborto?

My partner was very upset because I had not really consulted him.

Sylvie Shene

A Life-Saving Experience


2 miesiące po aborcji. Moje życie wróciło do normy. Jest dobrze..


To była słuszna decyzja.


Ser mamá por elección, no a la fuerza.


Decidida, sin culpa ni arrepentimiento, soy fiel a mi misma.

Sabine Ryan

It's not as bad as you think. Please read my story!


Unexpected feelings


It was the right decision, and it is my choice.

sogoodtobebad stassia

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Lo logré....estoy tranquila


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mary cry

pior momento de minha vida

Constanza Arely

El ser madre debe ser una decisión, una de las mejores experiencias que vive…


No eres la única. No estás sola. Transformalo en algo positivo para tu vida.


I had an abortion in the US a few years ago. I think it is important for all of…