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I had an abortion and I don't regret it. It was a hard decision but one I knew I would make. My boyfriend was very supportive and continues to be. I knew I was not ready to have a child and I'm glad I've had more time to grow, so I can be the best parent I can be when the time comes.

2014 Estados Unidos

It was alright overall, I had a couple of mix ups with appointment times at the clinic I went to that added stress but the pain was manageable with the medicines I was given. I wasn't prepared for the length of time it would take to feel physically normal again, it was over a week before I stopped feeling uneasy.

Como as outras pessoas reagiram ao seu aborto?

I've only told my boyfriend and he was very supportive in my decision and would have been no matter what I chose. It's been hard for me to have gone through it without telling anyone else and I worry that it's hard on him being my only outlet.

Miih Be

Dia 9 de Setembro de 2019 tive relação sexual desprotegida com meu noivo, ele…

Ewa Izabela

I am pro-choice


E não me arrependo, não se culpe por isso
Você é dona de si.
Eu sou bem jovem

deja la vida volar

decidí escribir mi experiencia en detalle ya que en mi país el aborto es…


Zdarzały mi się już wcześniej spóźnione okresy, które skutkowały paniką i…


Miałam aborcję.

Fabiola Moreno

I had an abortion when I was 16 years old.


I had an abortion


Strach ma wielkie oczy


No me arrepiento


한국에 계신 여성분들 절대로 망설이지 마세요


Estava grávida de quase 12 semanas.


Macierzyństwo nie jest dla każdego

Mam już 30 lat, męża, stabilną sytuację…


No había otra opción.


i'm irish, i had an abortion while living in the netherlands.


Abortei aos 17 anos.

maly min

Si, yo una vez estuve embarazada, de eso no hace mucho y cuando me entere llore…

Natália Sampaio

Abortei sim! Não foi fácil. foi um dos momentos mas difíceis da minha vida, mas…


I had more than one abortions. I made the choices because I care about the…