Lauren Jackson

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I got pregnant while in college in Tennessee in 1976 and had an illegal abortion because it was illegal to have one. The pill was not available during this time.

1978 United States

I got my college degree, enjoyed a successful career, got married when the time was right, had 2 fabulous children and am going to be a grandmother soon. Now at 60 years old, I have had an extremely happy life, still married for 36 years to my best friend, and never, ever, looked back at the decision I made and thought it was the wrong thing to do. I sincerely believe that women who face an unplanned pregnancy who make the choice to end it knows it was (or is) the best thing to do at that particular time in their lives. The men who get these women pregnant then know that it was terminated never seem to be haunted by this so why should women be the only ones carry any afterthoughts?

I have NEVER FORGOTTEN the vacuum abortion without anesthesia/pain medications even though I am now 60 years old. I shudder at the memory even as I write this now. I have been an abortion rights advocate ever since.

Did the illegality of your abortion affect your feelings?

Not at all...laws made mostly by men who almost never take responsibility after each time they have sex with a woman and walk away...are meant to be ignored.

How did other people react to your abortion?

My college roommates were totally understanding and supportive. I could not tell my parents/siblings or neighbors back home because they would never understand that having a baby at 19 years old would have ruined my life...completely.

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