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I had a SUPER LATE abortion.

2012 United States

It gave me so many mixed emotions! I was happy to follow through but felt selfish(dad to be wanted to keep it) and maybe a little guilty.. or definitely judged.

Took 2 days, day 1 they do ultrasound and all that then they gave me medicine to help induce me and soften the cervix. Had milf cramps that evening. Went back day 2 and they gave me a large shot near my belly button, sat for a few hours, went under anesthesia, woke up in a different room with several other women, groggy.. and waited to be checked and released. But I was 20weeks along.. so yeah

I mainly was not ready to give up no responsibilities and couldn't afford a kid.

Did the illegality of your abortion affect your feelings?

Being legal didnt make the choice any easier.

How did other people react to your abortion?

Close family supported me. Friends (some not all) that I thought would support me talked bad about me behind my back and to my face.

Lucy Bennett

I was almost 5 months pregnant and I had no idea. I had just turned 16 and me…


Fue la mejor decicion para todos pero eso no cambia que yo amaba a mi bebe


because the time just wasn't right for me.


My abortion was NOT THAT PAINFUL. Don't believe in the horror stories!


mi aborto. siempre te voy a recordar pequeña semillita

justin ..

NIGDY NIE MÓW NIGDY! ..kiedyś powiedziałam sobie, że aborcja nigdy nie będzie…

Van Nessa

I had an abortion.


I was twenty years old, terrified, and completely alone.

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I had an abortion. It was a stressful time, I am glad it is all behind me. My…