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The first time I was too young the next I was old enough to know I had no right to bring a child into nothing with no future.

1983 Canada

I often think about those early pregnancies and I know that there was no way I would have been able to do everything to keep those children safe and fed and give them an opportunity to have a bright future. Even after waiting until I finished college it was a struggle to raise my baby girl. But at least we had a chance. I am so great full tohave a choice ! Now we need to help the next generation have a choice AND not feel as dirty and bad as I felt as a 13 year old girl handing out Halloween candy to beautiful little children as I soaked up the blood from the choice that was made for me. I wish that all girls knew there bodies belong to themselves!

The first time I was 13 years old. I had been sexually abused since I was a small child I was never taught that I a right to decide what was done to my body. My family secrets were generations deep. I didn't choose to have an abortion I let myself float along and it became another thing that was done TO me. When I was 18 I had a couple of years of counselling and having imancipated myself from my family at 15 I was shouting out those dark secrets and learning my body was not for others to use or a tool to use to prove I loved someone. When I learned I was pregnant I had almost finished high school and knew that having a child was a great and permanent decision and instead of letting myself be the victim I stood up and made a choice. My choice was to allow myself to grow up and not bring another child to grow up poor uneducated. I knew I wasn't strong enough to protect and give this child a happy safe life and I knew I wasn't strong enough to give the child up. I couldn't be the mother this baby deserved I was barely feeding myself. I loved the child in my belly enough to let it go. I loved myself enough to let myself heal and to choose.

How did other people react to your abortion?

As Many people have condemned as supported me. Just because I had the legal right to an abortion does not mean people accept and support people who make such a gut wrenching decision.


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