ana ana

Compartilhe a sua história

i do love you my baby. but the moment now, is not right. i did this because i don't wanna world where i lived, hurt you. heaven is the right place for you. i love you, kaimeriana

2013 Indonésia

regret?? sure. for all the mistakes that i've done. all i can say is sorry and pray for my child.

i didn't feel cramp or pain from my stomach. bleeding was just happened. but the real pain that i felt is, when i realized, i killed my own first child with my hand. and i could do nothing about it. it feels like, i am a failed mom who can't protect her child.

i have to finish my school. and also, i have to protect my family's name.

A ilegalidade de seu aborto afetou seus sentimentos?

sure. scared, panicked, sad, every negative feelings became one. deepest in my heart, i really wanna kept my baby alive. but, on the other side, i lived in a place that pregnant before married is unacceptable.

Como as outras pessoas reagiram ao seu aborto?

my boy friend, seems happy and realive that i did the abortion. but no one knows except god, me, and my bf. i couldn't tell my family what i've done to my first child. they will be dissapointed if they know it. and i won't tell them. maybe i'll keep this secret till i die.

Fernanda Santos

Tentativa de aborto/Gravides tubária Sem saber!!! 7 semanas!
Reencontrei um ex


Siempre estarás en mi 😇🕊🌼


Bueno yo aborte por que no encontré otra salida...
A principios de diciembre del…


Yo aborté los miedos, la pena, el vacío y el amor.


Yo he abortado 4 veces.


Pregnancy and abortion - what a trip.

Lola lopes

É um momento em que ninguém quer te ajudar, você se vê sozinha, confusa, triste

Bryann Turner

It was the right decision for me at this time.


Hice lo mejor que pude, estando bajo toda la presión del mundo.

Amy Martinez

I had an abortion

Karen vargas

Yo Decidí

Mariana Leitão

A tal história do “ engravidei por acidente” é real!

Kidda Sinsee

And I was afraid at first...

Emilia Aguilera

Tuve un embarazo inesperado y por una medicación que tomo de por vida, mi hijo…


"#AbortoLegalYa" era tendencia número uno en redes mientras yo lo hacía…


Aborto a las 4 semanas, perdóname mi ángel.


Basically I found out two weeks ago that I was pregnant, to my shock and awe…

Mitzi .

I had an abortion. And i know that was the best choice.