Lisa Heidenreich

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2016 Panamá

I was super relieved when the pills arrived. I organized a day off for me and my husband the next day so he would be there to support me during the process. Everything worked as described by Women on Web.

A ilegalidade de seu aborto afetou seus sentimentos?

I was afraid for my husband and my two children to get involved. The thought that I am endangering my family was horrible. My feelings towards the decision to abort weren't effected. My decision was very clear for me, in my head and heart.

Como as outras pessoas reagiram ao seu aborto?

Everyone was very supportive and empathetic. As the abortion was illegal, I had to choose the people I confided in carefully and it took some courage but it was really helpful to get moral support.


Nie mogłam mieć dziecka z kilku powodów: jeszcze się uczę, chłopak w ogóle nie…


To była słuszna decyzja.

Annabelle Carton

j´ai eu un avortement

Leah Jeck

Aku pertama kali kenal sex, tahun 2013 semester 2 tahun awal kuliah, dengan…


A exatamente um mês atrás realizei o aborto, sou residente do Japão, apesar de…


Yo aborte


Zawsze miałam bolesne miesiączki, wiec spodziewałam się, ze będzie naprawdę…

Nami Tibbers

Não vi outra opção. Então tomei coragem e optei por um aborto.


I had a surgical, had two kids, and then had medical abortion.


I am having an abortion as I am writing this, at home with cytotec…


Kobieto, jeśli zaszłaś w niechcianą ciążę, to nie wahaj się ani chwili. WOW…


Foi um pesadelo mas no final me senti mais aliviada


Historia jakich wiele, jedna nieprzemyślana decyzja i stało się - test wychodzi…


I choose abortion hard at the beginning but I know this is the right choice


Aconteceu comigo.


Zrobiłam to ponad tydzień temu. Bałam się bardzo. Najbardziej bałam się bólu i…