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Not prepared and so I have to make a difficult choice
2020 Zjednoczone Emiraty Arabskie
Well if only morning after pill and a medical is available, a woman won’t have to go through such choice.
It was what they it is. It was not easy. First was the agony of waiting for the package, it took 10days to arrive. And somehow you have to prepare for the time and place. It is not advisable to do it where there a lot of people around, unless you took extra pain reliever. And the pain in your abdomen. You have to prepare extra medicine. And never eat when you take the second set of medicine.
I feel like i will not be able to give the child a good future
Czy nielegalność twojej aborcji wpłynęła na twoje uczucia?
Yes because you won’t know that Police might come at your door at anytime because the medicine came through a courier outside the country. As a woman, you should have a choice, not because of religion or norm of the society you are in.
Jak inni ludzie zareagowali na twoją aborcję?
No one knew
Julieta Iovaldi Curutchet
Decidí desde el principio no compartir esa experiencia con la pareja de ese…