Condividi la tua storia
(nato/a a Saudi Arabia)
I had an abortion now is ok
I have 2 children
Miałam aborcje. Dzięki pomocy i wyrozumiałości women on web uda mi się to.
I had an abortion
I had several abortions. And children too!
Zmuszona sytuacją w jakiej się znalazłam nie miałam chyba innego wyboru.
ini pengalaman pertama saya setelah 24 tahun hidup di dunia sebagai seorang…
com dor e com culpa
Bonjour je vais vous raconter mon histoire avec l avortenent surtout que j…
Fiz um aborto com 8 semanas
To była moja decyzja!
i had an abortion, and 10 years later i became a mother. you have the right to…
I had an abortion.It was illegal in the United States at the time, but I was…
I had an abortion and now I feel as strong as before!
Dua garis merah. Saya mendapatkannya ketika saya sadar sudah cukup lama telat…
The 10 weeks I was pregnant were the happiest weeks of my life. My husband
hari ini harusnya usia kandungan sy menjelang 12 minggu , sy gagal pertahankan…