Dina Wood

Condividi la tua storia

I had an abortion.It was illegal in the United States at the time, but I was lucky that i found a decent doctor. I was 16 and knew that I had a future ahead of me that did not include that baby. I don't regret it at all.


At the time I was disappointed at myself for being stupid and getting pregnant when I was supposedly a clever girl. The father was more of a friend and I did not involve him in the decision.Afterward I felt relieved that the procedure was done and sure that I had made the right decision. I'm still sure it was right.

It was positive because the doctor was kind and supportive. A true heroine.

I knew that I wanted to go to college and have a career. If that seems selfish, so be it. It was my "first time" and I did not want to "Make" my boyfriend be responsible for changing his future either.

L'illegalità del suo aborto ha influenzato i suoi sentimenti?

It did not effect my decision. It did make me feel guilt that I was breaking the law and that the doctor was possibly endangering her own livelihood. I will thank her forever.

Come hanno reagito le altre persone al suo aborto?

My friends who I told were supportive. I have never told my family, but, I plan on telling my teenage daughters now.I didn't tell the father until many years later.


Sin remordimientos.

Lola lopes

É um momento em que ninguém quer te ajudar, você se vê sozinha, confusa, triste

Mireya Mireya

Y no siento culpa, dolor o pena se que aún sigue siendo tabú en México por la…


I had a 'NO SHAME' abortion


W momencie kiedy dowiedziałam się ze jestem w ciąży nie wiedziałam co robić.


Muy difícil decisión


Abortar es tu elección!

Misa Mary

soy feliz,soy libre, aborte!! fue la decision mas acertada y feliz que pude…


Fiz um aborto com 13 semanas , não se desespere vai dar tudo certo !

elizabet campos

aborte hace 3 semanas y tenia un embarazo de 3 semanas nose aun si fue la…


It was a difficult but necessary choice to have made.

Fallen Angel

I had the SAFEST ABORTION even in the PHILIPPINES through womenonweb.org.


No era el momento ni la persona


I discovered I was pregnant. It was about 5 weeks and 4 days old. I did an…


Medical abortion at 9wks 5days


O aborto é uma escolha apenas da MULHER.


Nie wahajcie sie, jezeli czujecie ze musicie.. zrobcie to


I had an abortion and I'm not ashamed


Miałam aborcję.


Don’t confuse ‘what ifs’ with regret.