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I was 22 turning 23 when I found out I was 4 weeks pregnant. The father and I were only together for 3 months and he was only 20 turning 21 in the upcoming months.

2014 Estados Unidos

I feel when it comes to making a decision about having an abortion you have to 100% sure that the decision is based on you. In my experience I was very confused on what I should do and I feel like I rushed into terminating it because it was what he wanted and in all honesty we both weren't ready. I still think about the whole experience of pregnancy, and I think about what could have been. I'm trying to move forward now, but its very hard. All I can do is try to be successful in my career and be stable so that when I do become pregnant again (God willing) I'll be ready to do it with or without the father.

I didn't feel anything. I went into a room full of women doctors and cried. They put some type of drug in my arm and I fell asleep. 5 to 8 minutes later I woke up in recovery, and then realized that it was over.

I got an abortion because I was confused, I was only with my boyfriend for 3 months, I did not have a stable job, my boyfriend didn't want it (and claimed his family would kick him out), and I guess I wanted to protect him in a way... Then a month after the fact he breaks up with me.

¿La ilegalidad del aborto afectó sus sentimientos?

Honestly I was a confused mess and very easily swayed by my boyfriend and his siblings, which was a big mistake that I still regret.

¿Cómo reaccionaron otras personas a tu aborto?

I only told close friends and the reason why I wold them is because my secret was eating me alive. I never told my mom because she's against abortion.

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