
Share your story

Never had any regrets

2011 United Kingdom

The experience was fine. The nurses and staff at the clinic were very friendly. I was on a ward with 10 or so other women who were having an abortion that day. It was a good experience as we got to share our stories. I had to stay overnight to make sure everything was fine. My boyfriend at the time came to visit and was very supportive throughout.

I was 23 at the time, half way through my studies and working overseas at the time. I could not have given a child the kind of home that I think every child deserves to grow up happy, healthy and supported, and it would have messed up my life to a great extend. I would not have been able to finish my education which would have had an enormous effect on my life and that of the child. I never had any regrets what so ever.

How did other people react to your abortion?

People were understanding and sympathetic


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