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I had an abortion on the 26/27 of september through medication it was successful and i expel it for a week which is eight days. after that week i start having discharge of brownish colour then to pinkish and later stoped. then came my first menstration after abortion on the 3rd of october i have bin bleeding since then till today that am writing this at first i was scare but not anymore i took ibuprofen cos i read that it can stop it and i don't want to go to hospital but i pray and believe that it will soon stop bcos no pain, no cramp and not heavy but if anyone can help me with remedy i will be glad.

2017 Nigeria

i wish i am makes me feel worthless it makes want to get marry with immidiate effect but how will i get marry to myself? and i cant force myself on someone to i had to calm myself down at thesame time. it was not easy atall

so painful! cramping and pains. couldnt standup from my bed it was so serious.

because i am not married and i don't want to have a baby ouside wedlock, i am not ready too.

Did the illegality of your abortion affect your feelings?

yes it affect me very much but beign a strong lady that i am i push through.

How did other people react to your abortion?

nobody knows except my boyfriend and he was shocked and angry on me bcos i didn't let him know dt i was pregnant, i told him after the abortion and he was seriously angry with me but later apologise.

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Lucyna L

I had an abortion


Yo aborté

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Yo elegí y aborté

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Feeling like myself again

Mireya Mireya

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Sin remordimientos


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