
Share your story

I was let down by birth control and had two abortions. During my second abortion I experienced complications and had a number of scares which I might not have got through emotionally or physically without the help of BPAS and the NHS

2016 المملكة المتحدة

I have felt confident in both of my abortions that I made the right decision, and was lucky in that I was supported in my choice

I wasn't ready emotionally or financially to have a child. I didn't want to put my body through pregnancy and childbirth and I also didn't have the security to raise a child. I am proud of the decision I made

كيف كان رد فعل الآخرين على إجهاضك؟

My family and friends were very supportive


Yo aborte


Having an abortion was the right thing for my family.

Anna K.

nie żałuję,


I had an abortion. It was a stressful time, I am glad it is all behind me. My…


Mam 20 lat i zupełnie nie byłam przygotowana na ciąże.
Ja i mój chłopak…


Decisões difíceis exigem coragem.


Miałam aborcje. Dzięki pomocy i wyrozumiałości women on web uda mi się to.

I had an abortion and I'm not ashamed


This is something that was necessary for me but most definitely the hardest and…

Paola XD

Yo aborté en Chile, donde es ilegal. Tengo 29 años. Lo hice con medicamentos, a…


I had an abortion and now feel I have 10kgs off my shoulders alone, a little…


Kobieto, jeśli zaszłaś w niechcianą ciążę, to nie wahaj się ani chwili. WOW…


fiz um aborto sozinha

Mariana Leitão

A tal história do “ engravidei por acidente” é real!


Never had any regrets


O dono do meu corpo e do meu destino sou eu, e não a sociedade hipócrita e…

A alexandra

Mi futuro, mi familia