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Mixed feelings. Was scared about the pain after hearing a few horror stories. And yes the pain is intense. I found pain medication and a heat pad relieved me slightly. I was 7 weeks when I had my medical abortion. Took the first tablet then 48hours later held he next four under my tounge. Within 30mins I felt really nauses, i felt like I need to vomit but didn't. Then the pain started and went within an hour. Felt like the longest hour ever! I felt comfortable on the bathroom floor I don't know why our how but it was amazing to lie down on the cold tile beside the toilet. The pain was how I would presume contractions would feel. The pain would become extremely painful then stopped for less than a minute then pain again. i began to feel the pain decreasing and was actually able to stand I felt like I needed to push and so I sat on the toilet and a few blood clots came out. I lay down and had a huge blanket round me applied the heat pad onto my tummy so I was comfy set my alarm for the next two tablets which were 4 hours after. Took them and then slept until the next day. I felt like nothing had happened the bleeding was not heavy and I was worried it didn't work. I bled for nearly 2 weeks then it stopped. No longer had pregnancy symptoms and have had a period a month after the abortion. So I does take time. I worried myself thinking it didn't work but I feel great now. And relieved it's over! Anyone that is reading good luck with your experience and just find that inner strength and it will get you through x

هل أثر عدم شرعية الإجهاض على مشاعرك؟


كيف كان رد فعل الآخرين على الإجهاض؟

A little doubtful about it but eventually Accepted my decision

Aga... ta...(?)

zastanawiam się jak to przeżycie i fakt co zrobiałam wpłynie na dalsze moje…


The "choice" of medical termination is not accurate when it's used as a weapon…


No fue tan terrible.

F. B

Vivi 2 meses em um pesadelo

Yasmin Lara

Bom,eu encontrei vários relatos e quis deixar o meu bom eu tenho só 17 anos e…


No fue bueno pero fue lo mejor.

Eléonore Delmas

I had an abortion




Interrumpi mi embarazo de un mes y medio


Antes de hacer cualquier cosa infórmate muy bien para tomar la decisión…


Y aunque todos los días piense que podría haber sido, fue la mejor decisión…


Estou numa relação estável há 4 anos e há 2 parei de usar anticoncepcional…

Matka Winna

Moja historia


I had more than one abortions. I made the choices because I care about the…


I had an abortion and now feel I have 10kgs off my shoulders alone, a little…


Bom, acabei de passar pelo procedimento e vim relatar a minha história para que…


Hice lo mejor que pude, estando bajo toda la presión del mundo.


Macierzyństwo nie jest dla każdego

Mam już 30 lat, męża, stabilną sytuację…

Embrace So

aku aborsi karena aku tidak ingin mengecewakan banyak orang. pasangan saya sama…