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Grow Yourself, Before You Grow a Baby.

2006 United States

Thanks to Planned Parenthood I had access and I was educated by them. That made me feel greatly supported and more confident about how I take charge of my own health.

I had the RU 857 abortion by pill both times, which was an ulcer medication and is probably the same as the MISO. I am so happy someone is documenting this to share with the world, because if it is accessible them women should have access to it! I wondered that myself when it seemed so simply explained by the doctor. I did feel so irresponsible for getting pregnant a 2nd time, and having an also deja vu.

Even though my abortion was legal, it made me reflect on all the other women in the world who do not have access. Because emotionally it is difficult to have an abortion, let alone to have to struggle though endless avenues of resistance to have one. I was 17, just graduated high school early, coming off of probation, in my first college semester, full ride scholarships. Now I have my AS & BS and working on my Masters, while working for a University in Research. I am so proud to be where I am and I do not regret have both abortions, it made my life manageable and education accessible. I am engaged and soon to be married, and a planned pregnancy in my future makes me have to have as a prospective in life, that life is good when you have access and health.

Ano ang reaksyon ng ibang tao sa iyong pagpapalaglag?

Only my 2 best friends and my partner at the time knew about my abortion. They were supportive, but I did go to the clinic by myself. 3 months later, I got pregnant the 2nd time, and after another abortion, that when I felt judgements occur. My partner both time was quite uninvolved, and contributed some money so that I could have an abortion, the 2nd time he went on a trip to NYC while I stayed home and had an abortion by pill for the 2nd time. It was hard to non understanding for comfort that I needed. Later the next year, he started down to show the first signs of schizophrenia. Which became full blown and he was hospitalized for it at least 2 times, while we were together, not to mention a lot of other legal issues he face for prior, that could have been directly linked to this diagnosis. This was the main reason we ended out relationship.


Fiz um aborto com 13 semanas , não se desespere vai dar tudo certo !


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