Maria sovitlana

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i really cant believe that i can do it in a country where so much hard law regard abortion you can not even say by mouth or text the punishment is prison or so much big problem but with help of WOW i did it and i really really thankfull for WOW

2016 Philippines

i was so much frustrated and afraid and so much sad , but with WOW all is gone and finally i am confident happy and most of all healthy

its was a little bit hard but as all can say you need to be strong for the better so my happiness is more then that pain but the medicle abortion from wow is more good and confirmed

the law dont allow me to have a child as for them i am single and cant have a baby if they discover then maybe i was in prison or will be in a big trouble

Ang iligalidad ng iyong pagpapalaglag ay nakakaapekto sa iyong damdamin?

of course it did but this was not the time for me to have a child and not in this place and time so for me its legal

Ano ang reaksyon ng ibang tao sa iyong pagpapalaglag?

all my friends are surprised to know i had an abortion and its safe and most of all in my home they cant believe as they can see how much i was upset and how hard the law of that place is but finally i get ride of it

Esmeralda Esmralda

Por que lo hice es quizas por que nobera mi momentl consideraba era muy pequeña…


Aconteceu comigo.

Karen vargas

Yo Decidí


I had an abortion, Yo aborte, Apoyo la libertad de elegir sin tabues. Si bien…


Wczoraj dokonałam aborcji.
Odejście od męża, związanie się z nowym, wydawałoby…


“I had an abortion” will appear automatically, but please feel free to change…


Yo interrumpí un embarazo no deseado.


Eu tinha 22 anos, minha menstruação atrasou e meus seios estavam muito inchados.


Ciąża była bardzo niespodziewana, mam juz jedno dziecko, z racji wrodzonej wady…

mayumi uehara

Fiz.não me arrependo e contei com a ajuda da ong, o que foi essencial para que…


Mam 44 lata i dwójkę dzieci. Moje dzieci są już w szkole podstawowej. Bardzo…


No era el momento ni la persona


This will be my 5th abortion today. This is the first time I've do e it with…



Abril Violeta

cuando tenía 24 años, recién terminaba la licenciatura, estaba desempleada, en…


Opowiem Wam moją historie !
Jest to raczej jedna z TYCH popularnych :/ Jestem…


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