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Having an abortion was the right thing for my family.

2018 United States

Both my husband and I were, and still are, very comfortable with our abortion. We made the decision to ensure the best future for all members of our family. I would make the same choice again.

I received the medication from a family planning clinic and took them in the clinic, then went straight home. My husband stayed by my side while the medication took effect and in a number of hours I was bleeding and the pregnancy ended.

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Most people were very supportive, but one of my closest friends, who'd had two miscarriages, was upset about it. It was a few weeks before we could reconnect after the abortion and it was a few years before she could see that her issues were about her loss, not my choice. I was sorry that the abortion affected our relationship for awhile, but never doubted that it was the best choice for me, my husband, and our family, including our other children.


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