Regina Powell

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I had an abortion and I'm about to have another.

2001 United States (ipinanganak sa United States)

I feel somewhat disappointed in myself for having made irresponsible decisions that got me pregnant. But as far as having an abortion goes, I feel proud of myself for having made a decision and stuck to it. *I* am in charge of my own destiny and my own life. I feel lucky to have been raised without shame, and wish I could share that with other women who have a harder time.

I am very grateful to live in a liberal state where abortion services are many. The clinic was staffed entirely by very nice women, who were supportive and even joked with me. They explained everything that was going on, and one woman was there just to hold my hand. The pain was about equal to a bad period, although I got hot and a little queasy at one point. I went back to work 2 days later. I'm about to get my second, which will be with medicines instead of surgery. I came to this site to read about people's experience with the medical abortions. Thank you for sharing.

I don't know if my mindset is common, but I had made up my mind in my early teens what I would do if I became pregnant by accident. I also grew up in foster care, so I saw so many examples of what happens when people who aren't prepared have children. I am neither financially nor emotionally ready to raise a person. I also have a few different health problems that would make carrying a pregnancy to term difficult, if not impossible or life-threatening.

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My partner at the time was very supportive, but had a harder time emotionally. My friends were very good to me. I was harassed at the clinic by protesters (most of whom were men!), but I probably reacted very immaturely and was kind of rude to them.


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