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And I am so happy! I am so lucky that I had the choice to have an abortion! The only negative part was that it is an invasive procedure but otherwise it was just fine! Very fast and the women were so nice! I am proud of myself and I feel no regret, no remorse, none of that. It was the right thing to do and I am devoting my free time to helping other people access abortions for as cheap as possible! You aren't alone and you did the right thing! This is your life and you're in control!

2014 United States

It was painless and quick. Kind nurses.

Ano ang reaksyon ng ibang tao sa iyong pagpapalaglag?

Pretty neutrally. I could tell friends thought I was irresponsible but I wasn't going to let them make me feel bad. It wasn't an irresponsible mistake, it was just an accident that I fixed by having an abortion and it's none of their business.


Miałam aborcję

serena serena

Yo aborte. No culpo por haberlo hecho, sino por no haberme cuidado. Desde el…


Abortar es tu elección!

Sofia Ignatius

I had abortion n all went well


Proceso duro,

Lucille 2

I had an abortion. I got pregnant from a brief relationship and very…

Cindy Rios

Yo aborte porque no estaba en el momento adecuado para tener un hijo, mi madre…


Não me arrependo!

Matka Winna

Moja historia


Yo aborté porque es mi derecho


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Catarina Fernando

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