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Never felt so relieved in my life. I owe everything to planned parenthood and to the woman who stand for women's rights every day.

2013 Соединенные Штаты Америки

I wish I could share with everyone my thoughts on the topic without being shunned and mistreated. I see people I'd consider close friends write negatively on the topic of abortion often and I just want to scream that I had one... and that I'm still the me they've always known and loved. I just want to be there to help women and support them in there decisions. You're not alone.

I was 19 and 5 weeks along, a broke college student with a boyfriend I had only been with 2 months, Still in a deep depression over the passing of my mother 10 months earlier and I wouldn't have survived without my abortion. The pregnancy had already made me so sick and drained.. mentally and physically. My partner and I got financial assistance from a support group that helped pay for abortions, they sent the money straight to the clinic. The nurses and staff at planned parenthood made me feel dignified and informed. I wasn't afraid and I was excited to do just get it over with and get back to my life. The process took a while, there was such a diverse group of women and couples in the clinic. It was strange sharing this experience with so many different people. The actual abortion itself was physically painful and the process afterwards (cramping,bleeding) was also painful. Immediately afterwards I felt a rush of relief. By the next day my morning sickness was gone and I was finally feeling like ME. Two years later and my boyfriend and I are still together and 100% happy with our decision.

I was a child.. and I couldn't grow and raise one.

Как другие люди отреагировали на ваш аборт?

Only a few friends know, they were surprised but understanding. I wish I could shout it to the world without feeling like people would look at me differently. I hate having it be some secret.


Chcę mieć kontrolę. Zrobiłam to i NIE ŻAŁUJĘ.

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