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I knew I had to do it from the moment I found out.

2021 Catar

I’m relieved more than anything. I do not want to bring a child in this world without being fully prepared.

I have been taking combination pills for almost 3 years now, but there were times when I forget to take it. The moment I didn’t bleed after 21 days was the moment I knew I was pregnant. A week later, I started having consistent nausea and tender breasts. I knew I didn’t want to have a child from the start and so I resorted to searching for ways to have natural miscarriage (high dosage of vitamins c, unripe papaya, ginger teas) but none of them worked. By luck, I came across womenonweb and found out that I can have a safe medical abortion in my first trimester. At that time, it has been around 7 weeks after my last period. So I donated right away, and received the package in 9 days. The fear that customs will block its delivery scared me more than the actual procedure. I took the mifepristone the night before that I got it, and took the first 4 misopostrol 22 hours after. I drank 2 panadols 30 mins before 1 took the misopostrol. I felt cramping right after and it gets sharp occasionally. No bleeding, but there was diarrhea. After 3 hours, I took 2 more misopostrol, and 20 mins after I started throwing up, with some of the pills still in my mouth. I bled simultaneously and some clots went out. When I peed, a greyish sac a size of a golf ball came out, but I still have mild cramping and blood clots whenever I pee. It’s been 5 hours as I’m writing this. The breast tenderness is not like before, but I am still feeling a bit nauseous. Don’t be scared. You will get through it.

A ilegalidade de seu aborto afetou seus sentimentos?

It did. It’s illegal to get pregnant out of wedlock, so I didn’t even get an ultrasound. Waiting for customs to clear the package is the most scary part.

Como as outras pessoas reagiram ao seu aborto?

Nobody knew. Just one friend.


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