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I am pro-choice and i want to share my story

2021 Zjednoczone Emiraty Arabskie

I want everyone to know that it was easy and a bit painful for me - if I rate the pain it would be around 5/10. I took the first pill around 4:30 pm and i put an alarm for all pills I have to take the next day. Side effects of the first pill includes nausea, dizziness. I think it helped that I did not vomit because I have this aromatherapy ointment that I smell everytime my stomach turns. The next day, I took Advil at 3:30 pm then the first dose of the second pill at 4:30pm. I ate lightly throughout the day as I also have hyperacidity, which the pregnancy worsen. Mostly soup and crackers. Probably 5 minutes after the first dose of misoprostol, i ran to the bathroom to poop. It was a regular poop. I had nausea and dizzyness throughout the first 2 hours but I slept it over (with heat pad and my aromatherapy ointment). The time for the second Advil is the same as the second dose of misoprostol. I took the Advil first then took the second dose. I squatted althroughout 30/40 minutes (like you are sitting but your butt does not touch the floor) and i changed my underwear to something looser. 10 minutes on the second pill, i felt something really big and circle came out of my vagina so i ran directly to the bathroom. It went out fluidly, it is a white big liquid semi-transparent sac. It has blood but not that much. I think that was the gestational sac. My nausea / dizziness was immediately gone. The breast tenderness i have noticed was gone after the first pill. After that, I excreted a lot of clots and everytime I feel something is coming out of me, I sit at the bathroom. I also had diarrhea (which is better than vomiting) so make sure you take a lot of fluids. I am putting this comment 40 minutes after the second dose. I feel lighter and nausea was gone. I think these are the things that helped: 1. Advil and heat pad - take it as advised by WoW 2. Wear loose and comfortable clothing - if you can only wear loose underwear, that would be great 3. Sit in a squatting position (yoga) while taking the second dose - i think this helped a lot that’s why everything was excreted immediately 4. Eat light and if you can smell something althroughout the medication so it helps with your nausea It is easy and not that painful for me.

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