
Deel je ervaring

Medical abortion

2021 Canada

I was so scared when I found out I was pregnant. I’m a student with no job due to the pandemic but I was so relieved when I made the appointment. And even though it was painful, I felt so relieved after. I have no regrets.

My personal experience was far from pleasant. I took the medicine at home and waited in the washroom. It was very painful cramps. This lasted about an hour with vomiting and diahrrea. I was in and out of the shower because I was hot then cold. But the most painful part lasted an hour. Once the diahrrea and vomit stopped, the cramps lessened and I went to bed and put a cold towel over my face (trust me it helps a lot) and fell asleep. I felt so much better when I woke up!

Had de illegaliteit van je abortus invloed op je gevoelens?

Abortions are legal here in Canada, so no

Hoe reageerden andere mensen op je abortus?

Only my sister and my partner knew about the abortion. They were both very supportive and helped me through it.


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