
Deel je ervaring


2006 Verenigde Staten

I had anabortion in 2006. I was a 190 pound athlete using the patch as my birth control method. The Patch had recently been put on the market in 2005. The producers did not know that the patch was less effective for heavier women. My fiance and I found ourselves in a situation that we were unable to remedy: I was in school, he was working to support both of us and we just did not have the means to begin a family. The abortion itself was uncomfortable but it was not painful. The staff were professional, kind, and compassionate. It was uncomfortable and it felt like heavy menstrual cramping, but it was not a horrible process. The staff made absolutely sure that the abortion was what *I* wanted. It made me feel like I could speak for myself. I did not "grieve" for my pregnancy and I experienced no long term side effects despite many peoples' efforts to make abortions sound like a "dangerous" and harmful procedure. I am living proof. I am not ashamed of my abortion. I am not sorry.

Hoe reageerden andere mensen op je abortus?

I haven't told many people that I had an abortion, but most of my friends were very respectful and supportive. My parents would have been angry and disappointed in me as they are very conservative.


Bom, o espaço de tempo entre descobrir que estava gravida e realizar o aborto…


Aconteceu comigo.

Nami Tibbers

Não vi outra opção. Então tomei coragem e optei por um aborto.


No me arrepiento


I have had two abortions

Angel M

To była 3 ciąża nieplanowana i niechciana, przede wszystkim przeze mnie. Głupia…

laura micaela

Yoo aborte fue complicado porque pense q no iva a conseguir las medicinas, pero…


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Birdy <3


Jéssica Santos

Me submeti ao aborto!


I had come off the contraceptive pill as it had me feeling un well, we thought…

Abril Violeta

cuando tenía 24 años, recién terminaba la licenciatura, estaba desempleada, en…

Sun Flower

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Stosowałam pigułki i nie zwróciłam uwagi na to, że problemy żołądkowe mogły…


Yo aborté porque es mi derecho

YoungWoman from India

This website gave me the confidence that I could do it. It gave me all the…