
Deel je ervaring

I had an abortion 6 months ago.My boyfriend and I were not ready to have a baby. The process failed at first so I had to take a second dose of the misoprotol pills at 2mnths into the pregnancy. I had the first dose at around 3weeks into my pregnancy but I had taken them wrongly so didn't work at first. It wasn't easy and has never been easy but I feel I made the right choice for my life.


Am guilty of not giving that creature a chance to live. I feel relieved because at least I won't have to deal with the responsibilities that come in handy. I feel trapped because if I get out of my current relationship I don't think I will ever talk about my abortion to my next guy. That maybe I would get myself in that same situation with another guy.

Horrifying... I bled for 2weeks and experienced a lot of pain. I wouldn't want to go back there again.

Had de illegaliteit van je abortus invloed op je gevoelens?

Yes because the society has this negative view towards those of us who've had abortions. I don't even think I'll ever tell my parents about it. The society's perception makes me guilty and sad but I just have to move on with my life.

Hoe reageerden andere mensen op je abortus?

My friends were supportive though some acted shocked but were really good at hiding it.


yo aborte, fue la decisión correcta


I was too careless after meeting a guy when I was in a vulnerable period and…


I had an abortion and I got to say that it was the best decision I can ever…


No fue facil pero lo hise y me ha hido muy bien! Fue mi mejor decición!


com dor e com culpa


At the age of 15 I was told that I would likely never be able to get pregnant…


Czekałam na leki około dwóch tygodni. Przyszły pocztą dobrze…


Yo interrumpí mi embarazo...


I was 44 years old and already had 2 children. The pregnancy was an accident…


Yo aborté y soy una chica libre

Natalia M

Yo aborté, y no me arrepiento.

Nami Tibbers

Não vi outra opção. Então tomei coragem e optei por um aborto.

Tigrunia kinga

Dowiadujac sie że jestem w ciaży po raz drugi doznałam szoku odrazu naszła mie…


I had an abortion


Una decisión consciente de vida

Paula *

Yo acompañe a mi hermana quien pasó por este proceso, siempre fui una persona…