Tamsen Reid

Deel je ervaring

I had an abortion because I did not want to be pregnant. I wasn't ready to start a family and I wanted to pursue an education and career without the burden of an unplanned, unwanted pregnancy.

2015 Verenigde Staten

I am very lucky that in my state there are no protesters outside PP clinics and that I could go in with no resistance. The procedure was intense but worth every moment and every penny spent.

Hoe reageerden andere mensen op je abortus?

My boyfriend at the time was very supportive, beside his desire to start a family and those I surround myself with have also been supportive of my decision.

Sylwia Zatońska

Ciąża nie powinna być przypadkiem!!!


I had a medical abortion (the pill) with BPAS when I was just shy of 8 weeks.


To była moja decyzja!

Lauren Jackson

I got pregnant while in college in Tennessee in 1976 and had an illegal…


Your a strong women!


Postanowiłam się podzielić swoją historią, ponieważ gdy szukałam informacji na…

Abril Violeta

cuando tenía 24 años, recién terminaba la licenciatura, estaba desempleada, en…


Quando descobri que estava grávida eu já estava com um mês de gestação. A…


I had an abortion


An abortion in an abusive relationship


The best decision for me.


E no começo me arrependi mas vi que seria a melhor opção, e escrevendo meu…


I forgot my birth control for a couple days on a trip, and it was enough to…


Eu tinha 22 anos, minha menstruação atrasou e meus seios estavam muito inchados.

Regina Powell

I had an abortion and I'm about to have another.


and I'm so relieved


Ser mamá por elección, no a la fuerza.