
Deel je ervaring

I don't regret it. It was one of the wisest decisions I ever made in my life. I'm 100% sure I would ruin my life and the child's life for sure.
If I'm ever going to have a child, I will make sure I'm mentally and financially stable.
I had just lost my job and I had a really messy relationship with this man who didn't care and hung up on me when I told him I was pregnant. We just started dating, I fell in love very quickly and I was obviously not careful at all. His reaction was the most careless reaction I ever got, he immediately went silent and he denied it all.
I truly wanted to consult with him about what to do next but he wasn't answering my calls anymore, so he just let me out of options.

2014 Kroatië

I felt really good when it was over. I felt deeply relieved and ready to make a change in my life. I knew that was the right decision for me and since then, I started being more conscious and careful. You always think "no this will never happen to me, I had unprotected sex so many times and it never happened before", but when it does happen when you least expect it, you start viewing life from a different point of view. Please, do not listen to society. Do what you want and let nobody restrain you. People will always be there to judge but it's not reputation we're speaking about, it's a life of a little living being. Your body created it and your mind decides what to do with this creation. You know best, follow your instinct. Kisses and hugs to all courageous women out there who didn't let society decide for them.

Since the abortion pill is illegal in Croatia, I had to undergo surgery. I can't say it was a good experience but the hospital staff was really kind to me and I felt comfortable all the hours spent in the hospital. Nobody judged me or asked any questions. They put me to sleep and I felt zero pain when I woke up. The next few days I had some very light bleeding and experienced no pain at all. My body recovered very quickly and the next month I got my regular period. No side effects. I never thought it was that easy, I was so scared it would hurt but it didn't.

Hoe reageerden andere mensen op je abortus?

Mostly positively. I told my closest friends and of course my close family because they noticed, it was obvious, especially after two weeks of non stop vomiting. I was never ashamed of what I did, why should I? It's my body, my decision. People were supportive and understanding of my situation, I would like to thank them for that. It's beautiful when you don't get judged.


Cuando miro para atrás, más se afirma la certeza de que hice lo correcto.

Grace Grace

Y no existe arrepentimiento.


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