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My first pregnancy came quite unexpectedly. I was 17 and my boyfriend and I had gone to a clinic and I was just a week away from getting my birth control pill prescribed when my bf suggested I might be pregnant due to my behavior, which he thought was irritable. I took a test, found it possible, and had to tell my parents. Abortion was not an option. 6 months later a gave birth via csection to a 2.01 lb baby boy. Two weeks after that my now husband attempted to take his own life while I was visiting our son. Years later he confessed he’d gotten me pregnant on purpose because he thought I was going to break up with him. Which was true. I was. I saw red flags in his character. I spent the next 4 years dealing with his mental illness while also trying to be the stable one for our son. He attempted suicide 3 more time during those for years. The final attempt was successful.
Soon after I found myself inamither relationship I didn’t want to be in and also found out I was pregnant. I didn’t hesitate seeking an abortion. A local doctor, it was quick and painless.
A couple of years later I was married to a man who didn’t want children so when I got pregnant I aborted again. I also divorced him.
5 years later I was I head over heels in love with a man who told me everything I wanted to hear. But when I got pregnant he walked out and the last thing he said was “I want kids someday, just not with you”. This abortion was the hardest. I was 30 and actually wanted a baby, but I didn’t want to force parenthood on another person. I also couldn’t be a single parent again.
Not long after I met someone, we both wanted a baby, so we did. A girl! We liked it so much we did it again a couple of years later. Another girl! So lucky :) but then we didn’t want anymore. So he got a vacectomy and then a full 5 months later, I get pregnant. We agonized over what to do. We decided to not abort but at the first ob/gyn appointment we found that the pregnancy was not viable. It had ended at 6 week 1 day. I was given 3 choices. To let nature take its course in the expectation my body would finally figure it out. Get a d&c, or chemically induce the abortion. I chose the chemical abortion option. That’s when while reading the insert I found out what medications made this possible. I also found wemon on web.
I live in Arkansas, the supream court recently upheald a ban on chemical abortions which was the last legal way for women to access abortions in this state. And our nation is about to loose our last swing it’s justice so it seems it’s only a matter of time until all abortions will be illegal.
I can testify that I would not be were I am today, with 3 beautiful, loved and wanted children in a happy financially secure home with devoted parents if I’d not had those abortions. My life would have instead been one of meanless struggle with no way out. I’m tankful everyday I was able to safely end pregnancies when I needed to and hope (and vote) that all women have those choices.

United Kingdom

Three abortions 2000, 2002, 2006?.

낙태의 불법 성이 감정에 영향을 미쳤습니까?

Not applicable.

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Positively, the one exception being the first boyfriend who was very religious. But we were already split up when I had it done. He only found out because he came into my appartment without an invitation while I was gone, saw a prescription and figured out the rest on him own.


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