I had abortion n all went well
Could not realy describe it
Did not know anything til the time i got the pills and read the paper inside n the e mail tht was sent to m
Cannot raise a baby alone
L'illegalità del suo aborto ha influenzato i suoi sentimenti?
Not at all
Come hanno reagito le altre persone al suo aborto?
La historia, tal cual, detrás mi aborto
Sin duda ha sido la decisión más difícil que he tomado en lo que llevo de vida
Yo aborté y soy una chica libre
Por un aborto libre, seguro y gratuito.
At first i didn't know i was pregnant until i noticed i was vomiting a lot, but…
Kiedy nie chcesz dziecka, i wiesz, ze tak musi byc.
gdy twoj ex partner z…
I had an abortion. There has been no complications so far, but don't have a…
I had three abortions latest being 2018.I feel guilty but I had no choice.
Moja historia jest świeża, nie mam głębokich przemyśleń czy rad dla Was, czuję…
Enfim,tudo começou em Outubro. Tive relações sexuais com meu parceiro fixo (Meu…
Primeira mente, quero agradecer vcs que deixaram seus depoimentos, pois isso…