Won’t be named Won’t be named

Condividi la tua storia

I had an abortion a week after my twenty second birthday, I was five and a half weeks pregnant and it was a complete shock. My partner was suffering with depression and was on medication, he was a bad drunk and I knew we wouldn’t be raising this child together. I felt no other option but to have a termination. He wasn’t supportive and we ended up splitting a month after the termination.

2017 Regno Unito

I know I made the right decision at the time but I still feel like I should of been more careful and I feel alone with my decision

I had a bad experience as the doctor who terminated the pregnancy was unsympathetic and made me feel extremely worthless

I fell pregnant at 21 and my partner suffered from mental illness and I knew I’d be raising a child alone which I wasn’t ready for mentally or financially

L'illegalità del suo aborto ha influenzato i suoi sentimenti?

It was legal

Come hanno reagito le altre persone al suo aborto?

My family and friends were extremely supportive


Ser mamá por elección, no a la fuerza.


Yo aborte en Chile, en pandemia gracias a Wow

Josefina Navas

A diferencia de muchas mujeres, yo al enterarme de que estaba embarazada y que…


fiz um aborto sozinha


Most difficult choice I’ve ever made


I had two...it was not a hard decision, and I'm glad I did it. Now, I'm a…


I had an abortion and now feel I have 10kgs off my shoulders alone, a little…


Aborto Simples e tranquilo com Cytotec

Contra o aborto até precisar dele


I got pregnant at age 44 after a birth control failure. I am so blessed to…


Que alivio!


I always thought I cannot be pregnant, as I was diagnosed with primal…


Not in this alone

Mitzi .

I had an abortion. And i know that was the best choice.

Dana Bronte

Muerte de un ángel.


yo aborte

Kidda Sinsee

And I was afraid at first...


I had an abortion-it was a difficult decision...


My first pregnancy came quite unexpectedly. I was 17 and my boyfriend and I had…

Mary Adler

Saya hamil 7minggu. Saya seorang muslim dan pacar saya seorang yang menganut…