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Because I could barely provide for the child I had already.

United States

I've been a single parent since I was pregnant with my son at 17. We moved from Brasil to the US when he was 2 months old. When my son was 8 I was in an "on again, off again" relationship, I found out I was pregnant again. My boyfriend at the time did pressure me, but ultimately it was my decision. I was financially unstable, on government assistance, and about to lose my house. I took a day off work for the appointment, I had gone for a pre-consult beforehand. The staff was friendly, my boyfriend waited in the waiting room as they took me in. The doctor was distant and cold. I was given a local anesthesia. There was a map of the world on the ceiling, I stared at that the whole time. I felt some discomfort, mostly pressure, kind of like a long uncomfortable pap smear. I went to the recovery room with several other women. We went for lunch, then a massage, then home to rest. When I went for my follow up about a week later, all was well. I asked for a copy of my ultrasound. I was only about 9 weeks along, but I named it Hannah. I keep her in a book with a page over it, so I only see her when I want to. I think about her from time to time. But to ensure a good life for my living child, I had to make a difficult choice. And, as hard as it was, ultimately, the best choice for both me and my son.

Hogyan reagáltak mások az abortuszodra?



i'm irish, i had an abortion while living in the netherlands.


No era el momento ni la persona


Miałam aborcję wykonaną farmakologicznymi środkami otrzymanymi od Fundacji…


No me arrepiento

Elisa Isalia

Stosowałam przez dwa lata tabletki anty. Wszystko było ok doczasu az pewnego…


Abortar es tu elección!


I had 2 abortions


I made the right decision.


The "choice" of medical termination is not accurate when it's used as a weapon…


I had an abortion and now feel I have 10kgs off my shoulders alone, a little…


I can now carry on with life.


Jamás sabré si fue la mejor decisión, jamás lo podré conocer, pero en este…

Karolina B

Kiedy spóźniła mi się miesiączka ... Wtedy juz wiedziałam że to ciąża .


Women's bodies belong only to us. Men, families, society, have no right to…


La decisión es tuya enlo que sigue te acompañamos


I had an abortion when I needed it, hassle-free, legal, medically safe, and…

Leah Frida

Yo aborté! porque es mi derecho!


And I am so happy! I am so lucky that I had the choice to have an abortion! The…

Van Nessa

I had an abortion.


No estaba lista para ser madre, no se si algún día lo estaré.