
Ossza meg velünk történetét

The reviews were scary and I was afraid of what would happen when I took the pills. My husband made me feel comfortable and well cared for so I was confident enough to take the pills. At first nothing happened, then one hour in I started feeling nauseous. I threw up and started bleeding heavily. For one hour I had cramps that made me double over and I bled heavily. Then I felt the fetus being expelled and the pain instantly lessened, the heavy bleeding continued for a week exactly and then it was done. I feel healthy and happy and so grateful to Women on Web for giving me the option of making this important choice for myself.

2015 Japan

The reviews terrified me. I take very few medicines and have not had any serious surgeries or illnesses but I do have a rather high pain tolerance. The actual experience was not bad, the anticipation was worse than what I went through.

Hogyan reagáltak mások az abortuszodra?

My husband and boss were very supportive. I felt confident in my decision and supported by those around me.


Decidida, sin culpa ni arrepentimiento, soy fiel a mi misma.

Cristina Lima

Fiz um aborto.


O dono do meu corpo e do meu destino sou eu, e não a sociedade hipócrita e…


W momencie kiedy dowiedziałam się ze jestem w ciąży nie wiedziałam co robić.


Le pedí que me dejara...

Me había embarazado antes y había abortado, desde ese…


Bom, o espaço de tempo entre descobrir que estava gravida e realizar o aborto…


Sinceramente eu não imaginei que passaria por isso esse ano. Mas sabia que um…


Moje życie to moje wybory. / My life is my choices.


Yo aborté porque es mi derecho

Ana Lu

e vida nova pela frente...


I discovered I was pregnant. It was about 5 weeks and 4 days old. I did an…

Mitzi .

I had an abortion. And i know that was the best choice.


w wieku 20 lat. Byłam za młoda, mam wielkie plany na przyszłość, nie chciałam…

Stormy-Hayden Skylar

I don't regret my abortion in the slightest.


Część 1. Ciąża
Wtulam twarz w futerko zwierzaka i po raz pierwszy wiem, o co im…

Lulu de Carton

Elegí por el bien de ambos.

Sylvie Shene

A Life-Saving Experience