I had abortion n all went well
Could not realy describe it
Did not know anything til the time i got the pills and read the paper inside n the e mail tht was sent to m
Cannot raise a baby alone
Vajon az abortuszod törvénytelensége befolyásolta-e az érzéseidet?
Not at all
Hogyan reagáltak mások az abortuszodra?
Era lo que tenia que hacer
Bom, estou escrevendo aqui pois os relatos de vocês que me deram forças. Eu não…
And it was just fine. I had just turned 20, and was living in a rented room in…
Se fosse legalizado, sofreria menos. Seria diferente
I had an abortion and it was worth it, absolutely no regrets.
I interrupted my early pregnancy
Yo me practique un aborto con citotec porque acababab de tener una bebe y…
Força, meninas, que tudo se ajeita!
The reviews were scary and I was afraid of what would happen when I took the…
The first time I was too young the next I was old enough to know I had no right…
Miałam aborcję... to była trudna decyzja, nigdy nie zapomnę...
Aborté y no me arrepiento. I do not regret my abortion.
I had an abortion, and i should not have to hide it. My womb is still just fine.
Wczoraj dokonałam aborcji.
Odejście od męża, związanie się z nowym, wydawałoby…