Lisa Heidenreich

Comparta su experiencia

2016 Panamá

I was super relieved when the pills arrived. I organized a day off for me and my husband the next day so he would be there to support me during the process. Everything worked as described by Women on Web.

¿Afectó la ilegalidad de su aborto a sus sentimientos?

I was afraid for my husband and my two children to get involved. The thought that I am endangering my family was horrible. My feelings towards the decision to abort weren't effected. My decision was very clear for me, in my head and heart.

¿Cómo reaccionaron los demás ante su aborto?

Everyone was very supportive and empathetic. As the abortion was illegal, I had to choose the people I confided in carefully and it took some courage but it was really helpful to get moral support.

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Já fiz quatro: 2004, 2005, 2009 e 2015

Gabriella fikol

Jako matka dwojga dzieci , która w swoim zyciu czekała długo na…

Maria sovitlana

i really cant believe that i can do it in a country where so much hard law…


Chciałabym opisać moją historię, która zakończyła się dokładnie trzy dni temu.



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pensando en que dirán

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O pesadelo de uma gravidez indesejada.


I had an abortion. It was a stressful time, I am glad it is all behind me. My…


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A cry of freedom for all women who are dictated by the mentality of the norms…

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