
Share your story

2012 United States

I'm sad that I can't have any more children. My health has gotten worse since the abortion. I have heart and colon problems that weren't diagnosed at that time. I'm grateful now that I had the abortion. I could have died and wouldn't been here to raise my other two children and be with my husband.

I tried the herb method first, pennyroyal, cohosh, parsley, any teas not recommended for pregnancy. They didn't work. I was having an awful time finding someone in my state that would do them. There is only one place in my state that does. The Planned Parenthood downtown.

One of the biggest reasons I had was my divorce wasn't through yet. Me and my ex husband had been separated for a long time but the divorce was taking forever to get through without lawyers. In my state you can't divorce if you're pregnant, even if the child doesn't belong to the person you're married to. Finally, my ex got an attorney and it bumped us up the list. My health wasn't great and the condition I have get's worse with every term pregnancy. My fiance was more concerned with possibly losing me or crippling me than he was about any legal issues. He knew if something happened to me he would hate the child and I wouldn't want to risk a situation for a child in which it could end up hated by it's parent and siblings.

Did the illegality of your abortion affect your feelings?

No, the legality didn't change how I felt about it. I would have done anything necessary. The cost was more of an issue.

How did other people react to your abortion?

My friend and my fiance were both very supportive. I didn't tell anyone else.


Bom, acabei de passar pelo procedimento e vim relatar a minha história para que…


Nunca arrepentida


I had an abortion and it changed my life, for better and for worse.


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Fiz o aborto com 7 semanas


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Manuella Silva

Grávida aos 18.

Olá. Vim contar pra voces minha experiencia com aborto.
Eu ficava…


I had an abortion.


Aunque me cueste decirlo, yo aborté


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