anjali sidhu

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I had an abortion

2011 India (born in India)

when i realized that i was pregnant the only thought that came to my mind was, how would i support my child, my husband doesn't even supports me, how would i manage my job and pregnancy together,, and where will i get money from after child birth to take care of my kid. i didn't want to make a kids life hell with me. so i thought it would be good for the unborn to not to be born in my family at all. i would have been hurt more if i would not have been able to take good care of my kid.

i used mifepristone and misoprostol tablets, read their dosage and usage on net, and had them. i had a very safe and painless abortion without any complications.

i am not happy with my marriage, my husband has relations outside marriage also, he doesn't understands his responsibility , and a child in such a situation would have worsened my already messed up married life.

Did the illegality of your abortion affect your feelings?

no, the illegality didn't effect me, because my health is more important then any rule or law....

How did other people react to your abortion?

i could only tell it to my best friend she was very supportive.


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