
Share your story

I forgot my birth control for a couple days on a trip, and it was enough to allow for an unplanned pregnancy. I also had struggles with hormonal birth control and depression and had a condom fail. I've had two abortions, one miscarriage, and a wanted child. I have never regretted my two abortions. I have been able to be a loving and financially stable mother, provider and partner because I was able to become a mother when I was ready, not when forced into it by accidents of biology.

1995 United States

Can't say enough wonderful things about Planned Parenthood. I donate and support PP, but am frightened by the current political situation in the US. Just found WOW, and supporting this wholeheartedly

Ashley Engbrecht

At the young age of 17, I was the victim of sexual assault. There is nothing…


This will be my 5th abortion today. This is the first time I've do e it with…


Grosse angoisse au moment de prendre le misoprostol... Mais finalement


Wczoraj dokonałam aborcji.
Odejście od męża, związanie się z nowym, wydawałoby…


I had an abortion

Julieta Iovaldi Curutchet

Decidí desde el principio no compartir esa experiencia con la pareja de ese…

Giovana Cardoso

Fiz um aborto com 10 semanas e 2 dias de gestação


Estava grávida de quase 12 semanas.


It was sad but necessary


Uma decisão que precisa ser feita rápida porém pensada


Początek był raczej standardowy - spóźnił mi się okres, zrobiłam test ciążowy


At first i didn't know i was pregnant until i noticed i was vomiting a lot, but…


at just 19 years old.

Charlotte Sigler

I had an abortion


Miałam aborcję wykonaną farmakologicznymi środkami otrzymanymi od Fundacji…


I had an abortion. It's a choice I want available for every woman, for…